Will artificial intelligence replace Instagram’s influencers?
Insgram influencers are gradually beginning to be replaced by digital mannequins. This is particularly the case with Miquela Sousa, a robot that leads a virtual life full of emotions. It is followed by thousands of people, although they are aware that it is imagined by humans.
The objective, after that, is to create real artificial influencers. This means using algorithms and machine learning to interact with fans.
The test has already been carried out by Chris Buetti, Big Data expert. He developed a series of codes, metadata and scripts to fund an instagram account and win subscribers. It therefore publishes content automatically and already has 30,000 fans.
Thanks to the algorithms, content has been automatically likened, commented on the basis of keywords, photos are shared, etc.
His “beautiful NYC” account ended up winning between 100 and 500 fans a day, and all this automatically.

For a human user, it would take months to get to this stage.
So all you have to do is use AI, automation and data science to achieve an unbeatable result.
For Chris Buetti, it’s child’s play. He is therefore thinking of developing his model in more detail and offering his services to other platforms.
Towards an era of automated influencers?
As far as brands are concerned, the unethical side does not seem to bother them. On the other hand, instagram influencers are not happy to imagine their jobs disappearing…
It should be noted, however, that the human side of influence remains highly appreciated and that a machine can never replace a personality.
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